The custom VideoRay thruster cap was finished today. The standard configuration VideoRay thruster mounting bracket relies on the thruster to be mounted directly to the side of a pressure vessel, allowing for the power cables to pass into the pressure vessel. Because our mounting location for the thruster was not against a pressure vessel, and the length of the plastic endcap was unnecessary, we decided to create a custom end cap which would facilitate the cables to pass through the sealed cap. Pressure testing on the cap tomorrow, then full production and anodizing!
Update: We completed the pressure testing of the new endcap and it performed as expected. The final assembly of the SEACON cable in the new endcap is also pictured. Next step, send to anodization with the rest of the parts!
Update 2: Seabotix endcaps have been modified to fit our custom cables by removing the potting urethane. Both the custom VideoRay endcaps and the modified Seabotix endcaps will next be potted with urethane to guarantee waterproof performance.
Update 3: The Seacon cables have now been potted into the thruster caps. Everything is pressure tested and watertight.