Over the last few months, we’ve been working on moving to ROS (Robot Operating System), an open-source framework for developing software for robots. It includes a message-passing layer that has replaced DDS (Data Distribution System) for us, utilities for managing all the software that the submarine runs, and numerous tools that let us work much…
While in Panama City conducting testing in the Gulf of Mexico, Team SubjuGator visited two middle schools in the area. We met with the school’s STEM focused classes including one class that was working on their own underwater platform, a SeaPerch ROV. The visit was focused on robotics at the University of Florida and included…
In support of writing a journal paper with the Nonlinear Controls and Robotics (NCR) group, we conducted controller tests in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Panama City, FL. This sea trial tested the robustness of the RISE controller which is implemented on SubjuGator 7. The RISE controller is a cutting edge robust…
2012 assembly auvsi board design buoy competition controller DDS dvl electrical ethernet failure fall grabber GUI hydrophone mae manufacturing merge board Outreach packing Panama City pcb pelican pipe pool python rain robosub ROS seabotix shooter software spring 2012 software pneumatics pool summer testing thrusters trajectory generator travel tropical storm Twitter vision visual servoing waterproofing webcast