
  • Leaks and failures

    The end of June has been rough for SubjuGator 7. Our new pneumatic actuator box managed to form a small leak through our potting material (resulting in ~1cm of water in the box, but no catastrophic electrical failures) and we have now had two Seabotix thrusters completely seize this year (with <12 months use, not surprising given…

  • Raining Cats and Submarines

    We had an unexpected visitor stop by today. Her name is Debby. Tropical Storm Debby, that is. However, she didn’t stop us from testing at the pool. 30 mph winds, drenching rain (the sub didn’t mind), and a few waterlogged engineers can’t stop our motivation. We’re excited to have successfully completed all of our goals…

  • Trajectory Generation

    Probably the most visible software change to the sub is our new trajectory generator. It uses a non-linear filter to produce trajectories that are 3rd-order continuous, which our non-linear RISE controller then tracks to produce a smooth moving vehicle. This how our vehicle operated last year with our old trajectory generator, but the new generator…