
  • Competition updates and live webcast information.

    We’ve been tweeting throughout the week on our twitter account: @subjugatoruf. For the most up to date information about our progress and results, that is the place to look. There will be a live web broadcast of finals on Sunday from 1-4pm PDT via

  • Packed and Shipped

    After a great last week of testing, we’ve been busy getting things ready for the trip to San Diego. First up for SubjuGator 7: a nice bath with Patrick. Well actually, the only shower at the pool was in the locker room, so we had to do what we had to do. Chlorine and anodization…

  • Mission Testing

    Since the leak and thruster failures last week, the team has gotten SubjuGator 7 back up and running. The team has been busy developing and debugging missions for the RoboSub competition. The videos below showcase our current progress on several fronts. Our vision system has been working very well, even in varying outdoor lighting conditions…