
  • First day in San Diego

    Today was our first day in San Diego. We are staying at the Kona Kai on Shelter Island, as per the usual competition host hotel. It is a great location overlooking the bay and a huge marina. We started off with a nice team breakfast at the Red Sails Inn. This is an annual event…

  • Enroute to San Diego!

    SubjuGator 7 has been packed and has now left Gainesville on her way to San Diego, CA.It was tough to see her go, but she’ll be waiting for us on Monday when we get there! [singlepic id=738 w=320 h=240 float=center]

  • Last day of testing!

    Yesterday marked the last day of in-water testing of SubjuGator 7 before it began its voyage to San Diego. Unfortunately, there happened to be a tropical storm bearing down on us at the same time. Lucky for us the sub is waterproof (laptops are not). We traveled to three different pools throughout the day (different…