
  • Calibrations and tuning

    After a few small thruster leakage setbacks, we’ve officially completed all of the calibration and tuning procedures for SubjuGator 7. We’re using a new nonlinear controller this year, which is achieving outstanding transient performance and steady-state tracking errors over last year’s PD. We’re able to successfully move to desired waypoints and orientations using our real-time…

  • Poolside updates

    We’ve been spending as many hours at the pool as possible this weekend. The full assembled vehicle got its feet wet for the first time this past week. Since then, we’ve had a lot of success and only a few small bugs to work out. The Kalman filter is converging and the thruster mapper and…

  • 2011 AUVSI Journal Paper

    Our 2011 AUVSI Robosub competition journal paper has been released today! Feel free to read through our design and development process for the newest generation of SubjuGator AUV! AUVSI Publication 2011