
  • SubjuGator 2016 Preview Video

    Watch SubjuGator 8 in our 2016 preview video!

  • New Actuator Board

    For the 2016 competition season, our actuator board has been re-designed. This board supports 12 actuators and 12 limit switches. This board uses a STMicroelectronics STM32F0 processor and communicates to our vehicle over a RS485 connection.

  • Begining Stages of Machine Learning

    This Week We Made a tool for segmenting training data Experimented with using an SVM for segmentation Worked on stuff for easily segmenting/labelling planes in PCL + distinguishing things “on top” of the plane from the plane itself The training tool: The plot on the right is HSV->XYZ. You draw a box around the desired…