Watch SubjuGator 8 in our 2016 preview video!
For the 2016 competition season, our actuator board has been re-designed. This board supports 12 actuators and 12 limit switches. This board uses a STMicroelectronics STM32F0 processor and communicates to our vehicle over a RS485 connection.
This Week We Made a tool for segmenting training data Experimented with using an SVM for segmentation Worked on stuff for easily segmenting/labelling planes in PCL + distinguishing things “on top” of the plane from the plane itself The training tool: The plot on the right is HSV->XYZ. You draw a box around the desired…
2012 assembly auvsi board design buoy competition controller DDS dvl electrical ethernet failure fall grabber GUI hydrophone mae manufacturing merge board Outreach packing Panama City pcb pelican pipe pool python rain robosub ROS seabotix shooter software spring 2012 software pneumatics pool summer testing thrusters trajectory generator travel tropical storm Twitter vision visual servoing waterproofing webcast