
  • Manufacturing Photos

    We have added several more photos of the manufacturing of SubjuGator 7 at JDSquared. All of the CNC work was done by students on the team over the course of 2 months. Take a look! [singlepic id=710 w=320 h=240 float=center]

  • Thruster modifications

    The custom VideoRay thruster cap was finished today. The standard configuration VideoRay thruster mounting bracket relies on the thruster to be mounted directly to the side of a pressure vessel, allowing for the power cables to pass into the pressure vessel. Because our mounting location for the thruster was not against a pressure vessel, and…

  • New SubjuGator website is live!

    The long awaited redesign is now live! A lot of the content from the previous site is still being transfered over, so bear with us. We’re going to work hard to publish new content more frequently about the project via our blog, twitter, and youtube. Hope you stay connected and enjoy!