Today we worked on our controller and particle filter again. We used buoys to test our vision system. The video below shows the sub looking for a buoy shaped object that is also red. When the sub locates and bumps the buoy, it surfaces and proceeds toward its next objective: a shooting target from last…
Saturday testing went well. We continued to improve on the particle filter by attempting several of last year’s challenges. Our attempts of the buoy bumping and pipe to shooter were consistently successful.
This year, we’re trying to approach vision a different way. In the past, we’ve done image segmentation by using various thresholding algorithms and then classified the resulting contours based on size and shape. Our experimental software instead makes numerous guesses of the pose of the object being searched for, and then ranks them by how…
2012 assembly auvsi board design buoy competition controller DDS dvl electrical ethernet failure fall grabber GUI hydrophone mae manufacturing merge board Outreach packing Panama City pcb pelican pipe pool python rain robosub ROS seabotix shooter software spring 2012 software pneumatics pool summer testing thrusters trajectory generator travel tropical storm Twitter vision visual servoing waterproofing webcast